How Does Virtual Event Catering Work?

How Does Virtual Event Catering Work?

The events industry has been one of the hardest-hit areas of the coronavirus pandemic. With the various government restrictions and lockdowns that have been in place since March last year, it has been more or less impossible for large groups of people to get together. Wedding parties, conferences, quiz nights, marathon races, family barbecues, networking events, concerts, and all kinds of other functions have been postponed or cancelled.

This has affected everyone, from business owners to engaged couples. But rather than sit back and complain about their cancelled events, people have stepped up in an impressive fashion to make the most of the horrible situation. You couldn’t have failed to notice the rise of Zoom and other online communication platforms over the past year. People from all over the country have been hosting and attending virtual quiz nights, business meetings, and classes.

Businesses in the events industry have been adapting well to this changing demand, and as a result, it’s now possible to organize almost any virtual event you like. And although an online get-together will never be quite the same as a physical gathering with your friends and family, there are numerous benefits. You can invite as many guests as you like from anywhere in the world. It doesn’t matter whether your guests live next door or in Sydney, Australia. As long as you send them an invite, they’ll be there for your virtual party. It’s a lot cheaper than hosting an in-person event, and there is no limit on the number of people who can attend. Everything is in line with social distancing guidelines and there is no risk to anyone.

If you are considering hosting a virtual event, you might be wondering how exactly it will operate. It’s one thing to get all your loved ones together on Zoom, but how do you simulate the conditions of an engagement party, baby shower, or industry conference?

This will of course depend on the nature of your event, but with a little initiative and creativity, it is perfectly possible to host a virtual function that is just like the real thing. All you need to do is pick a communication platform that works for everyone, send out your invites, plan an agenda, and get started. Some lighthearted conversation, a few fun games, and some delicious food and drink are all you need for a good time.

There are so many different options when it comes to hosting a virtual event, including:

●     Escape rooms: Get your brain active by working together to solve a series of difficult online challenges and puzzles. Perfect for friends or as a team-building challenge for businesses.

●     Wine tasting: A few bottles of wine, some snacks, and some tasting notes to talk you through the flavours and aromas of each tipple. And no one has to drive home afterwards. What could be better?

●     Games and quiz nights: Everyone loves a good quiz, so hosting a trivia night with friends and family is a great way to boost morale. Alternatively, find some Zoom-friendly board games to spark some competition.

●     Workout sessions: With the gyms and leisure centres closed, a virtual workout with your buddies might be just the motivation you need to get your fitness fix.

●     Comedy evenings: Laughing has never been so easy. All you need to do is stream a performance by a comedian and get ready to smile.

●     Movie marathons: Feel like watching all the Harry Potter movies back-to-back? Want to work your way through the Marvel back catalogue? Find some willing friends to help you on your mission and chat about the films on Zoom as you go.

●     Cocktail nights: If you can’t go out for drinks with your friends, the next best thing is to have a virtual cocktail night. Order some cocktail-making kits and get experimental.

●     Cooking classes: Why not use all this time at home to learn a new skill? Get some ingredients and take part in a class from a professional chef.

Whatever event you are hosting, you will want to ensure your guests are suitably refreshed. You could ask them to buy their own party food and a bottle of wine, but this feels wrong. Who wants to cook their own food at their friend’s birthday party? Another option is to hire a virtual caterer to provide all the refreshments you require.

Your first step is to talk to the catering company about your specific needs. They will be able to help you come up with the perfect menu for your big night. Make sure you have obtained and passed on any allergies or dietary requirements. When the day of the event rolls around, the catering company will have delivered the food and drink to each participant so they’re prepared and ready to go on time.

This is a brilliant way to hold an event, as it makes it vastly more memorable for each attendee. Rather than snacking on whatever you have in the fridge while you chat with your mates, with virtual event catering, the food and drink become the centrepiece. Everyone will be enjoying the same dishes, which provides a talking point for the event. It is a great way of bringing people together and creating a social atmosphere in which people can momentarily forget the gloomy news headlines.

The specific food and drink you get will depend on your event, but here are a few examples:

●     Morning or afternoon tea packages

●     Cocktail making kits

●     Wine, gin or whiskey tasting selections

●     Gourmet meals

●     Buffet business lunches

●     Antipasto boxes

●     Fresh pizzas

●     Boxes of ingredients for virtual cooking classes

If you are organizing a virtual event and would like to provide a delicious bespoke menu to your guests, get in touch today. At Country City Catering, we can help you build your perfect event from start to finish, taking all the stress out of the planning.